Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chlorocarbon Compounds and Pollution

This chapter starts out sounding like we have made a good discovery that would change our world for the better. We found a way to refrigerate things with the use of CFC's. CFC's were proven to freeze things without the use of other chemicals like ether, ammonia, methyl chloride, and sulfer dioxide that smell bad, are fire hazards, and are poisoness. We were able to preserve our food and that opened up a whole bunch of inventions such as premade food, household fridges, spray cans (hairspray, freon,etc.). What we didnt realize was that we were releasing pollutants into the world that were depleting the ozone layer. Eventually CFC's were banned due to the harmful effects the have. CFC's have made things like cancer, birth defects, and related deaths more accessable to people, things that are harmful to our bodies.
Eventually medicine was released into the world to help doctors and patients feel more comfortable during surgeries where there was less pain invloved. Ether was used as a anesthetic to help people sleep during surgeries until chloroform was used instead because it was less of a fire hazard and did smell better. But the use of chloroform wasn't as good as they thought, it did produce less deaths, but overall it was not healthy for people either. Morphine was used eventually.
Things that we use are not as healthy as we hoped that they would be for us. Everything we use has some kind of harmful aspect to it in our world. Nothing is as healthy as we thought they all wouldl be. Almost everyone drives a car and that is not environmental friendly. We try to make things healthier but will we ever have a pollutant free world? Who knows.

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