Monday, October 11, 2010

Isoprene and Steroids

    Steroids is a term I have far to much knowledge about. My mother has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and she has to go to the hospital at least once or twice a year to get IVs of steroids to help with the pain. It is a miracle she is even walking still her doctors say. When my mother is on steroids she gets diabetes. There are many other side effects people can get when they use steroids, especially if someone is using steroids for the wrong reasons. When I think of steroids being taken I think of it more of as a shot or injection. People who abuse them will usually just stick a needle in a vein to pump themselves with steroids. I mentioned in my discussion board post about a man who was taking steroids for body building and his arms got so infected that they exploded. There is actually a youtube video that people can watch about it that I watched in health class a couple of semesters ago.
    I really didn't know the term Isoprene until I did the reading so I guess that says I am learning something in this class. Isoprene is rubber and rubber is so vital to our way of living, I don't know where we would be without it. But Isoprene is also the building block for steroids. It is very interesting to read about pills and injections and how closely things are related. Rubber is used in so many items that we use on a regular basis. In the reading it talks about birth control, mainly the pill form for women, and you can also think of condoms for birth control. Yeah rubber has a factor in the pill form but also the condom too. If we didn't have those our world could be so over populated because there was no effective birth control. But neither is 100% it comes close but doesnt always mean that it is ALWAYS going to work. It would be neat to eventually maybe have another birth control that men could take but like the book says its probably easier if the woman just takes the pill and be done with it. Rubber also make the all famous rubber duckies! I love those! Where would we be without that Rubber Ducky song from Sesame Street? I really feel as if I have learned so much in this class and have more knowledge of chemistry than I had before. I liked chemistry in high school a lot and it is awesome that I get to expand my knowledge by taking a different kind of chemistry class.
    Our midterm is coming up and at first I was a little nervous. But after I found out what everything meant and now that I have more knowledge after my research and reading that I think this will go over pretty well. I just need to make an outline and print off my sources and I will be good to go. I am not nervous about this one at all. Which is good to say, I hate stressing over things.

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